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Writer's pictureRocky Wray

Healing and Redemption: God’s Work in Substance Abuse Ministry in Uganda

Updated: 1 day ago

My recent mission trip to Uganda, was a life-changing experience focused on building connections with others involved in substance abuse ministry and learning about addiction in the local culture.

During my time there, I connected with a local church and gained insight into the stigma that people in Uganda face when seeking help for addiction. This trip deepened my desire to help break down these barriers by engaging churches in Uganda in conversations about addiction. I want to encourage them to see addiction as a struggle that God can heal, just as He helps people overcome other challenges like greed, lust, or over-reliance on technology. My ultimate goal is to bring more individuals to Christ and show them that freedom from addiction is possible through faith in Him. I am living proof.

Chelsea and I have been asking God for the past few years, what our future looks like for our family in Uganda. We know He is not done with us there. We are excited to share that we are preparing to head back to Uganda long term by the end of next year. We hope to serve in rehabilitation centers in the Entebbe area. I want to help individuals lean on God to break free from the bondage of addiction and find true salvation. I give all glory to God for this opportunity and trust Him to guide these future efforts.

We would be love to keep the conversation going with you and ask that you join us in prayer as we begin preparing for the move. To our current partners, we express our gratitude for your ongoing support over the past three years; your assistance has made the multiple trips to Uganda possible. We truly appreciate you! To our past and future partners, we are eager to address any questions and/or concerns you may have about partnering with us, as our ministry relies on your involvement. We remain with our sending organization, Cord Ministries, which oversees all our funding and serves as wise and supportive mentors for missionaries. If you are ready now, here is the link to get set up.

All donations are tax deductible and will go towards our moving and ministry expenses.

We wish you a Merry Christmas as we celebrate our Saviors birth!

Love, The Wray Fam

Navigating recovery through meaningful conversations. Shared with permission
The beauty of Uganda

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